Preparing humanitarian aid for the East

Today we also visited Ivano-Frankivsk, where our foundation’s representative office, headed by Andriy Berenda, is located.

Here, we loaded medical equipment and medical supplies (syringes, needles, etc.) into two beads. All this will be sent very soon to medical institutions in the East of our country – where it is vital.
Our entire large volunteer team would like to thank our steadfast partners from Germany from the bottom of our hearts: The Ukrainian Medical Society represented by Oksana Ulan and Vujko Vasyl, the Hamburg volunteers, and our partner from Germany Tim Schon Klinik Neustadt and its volunteers from Hamburg.
We are grateful to all of you for being with us, with the Ukrainian people, from the first day of the full-scale invasion. And like bees, you work together with us for the sake of Ukraine’s great Victory!
From help to victory!
Glory to Ukraine! Bow to the German volunteers!