It is not in our rules to sit idle

Especially when we receive another humanitarian aid shipment from our German colleagues – for this, we express our sincere respect and gratitude to them!

As well as for working tirelessly for Ukraine’s victory on the volunteer, European front!
The cargo is extremely important: uniforms for our rescuers. It needs to be sorted by size, carefully folded and accounted for. And… prepare it for shipment!
Because our rescuers, like the military, do not keep their uniforms for long. Unfortunately, it not only tears and deteriorates, but also burns… As they are among the first to arrive at the site of enemy shelling. And without hesitation, they get into the middle of the hell to save and help. Unfortunately, they cannot prevent enemy shelling and destruction of our homes – missiles, bombs and shells do not ask if they can hit residential buildings, hospitals or schools… But good quality uniforms will protect them. And our rescuers really need it!
And it will soon go to the places where it is needed most!