Today we also delivered an X-ray machine to the Azov Angels. This is an extremely important assistance for our fighters. Especially since the Azov Angels patronage service follows the wounded soldier from the moment he arrives at the hospital until he fully recovers.

The Angels are always in touch with the soldiers: whether they are being treated well; whether they need to bring or buy something. If a hospital provides inadequate treatment, they transfer the soldier to another one at his first request. If there is something missing – medicine, a charger, a phone – the soldier gets it free of charge and as soon as possible. The Azov Angels will help you go through the entire bureaucratic path of our Ukrainian hospitals and make sure you feel as comfortable as possible.
And we are glad that we are not helping these people alone, but in a strong company of wonderful partners – with Oksana Ulan and the German UÄVD Foundation, Sean-Klinik in Hamburg, Vujko Vasyl and caring citizens and volunteers of Hamburg who help the Ukrainian people.