As promised, we delivered 6 electronic and 4 mechanical functional beds, 10 mattresses, a medical couch, 200 liters of glucose solution, 1000 medical masks and medical gloves to the Luhansk Regional Clinical Oncology Center in Sarny, Rivne Oblast, as first aid in the arrangement of the new department.

Supporting not only doctors but also patients is one of our main tasks. Especially here, where cancer patients evacuated from Kreminna, Severodonetsk and Lisichansk are treated. People come from Kyiv and Zakarpattia to save their lives…
The Luhansk Regional Clinical Oncology Center is unique in that it provides both inpatient and outpatient chemotherapy care. And its staff makes fantastic efforts to help people. Given that there is a war in the country and the number of cancer patients is growing…
“Such specialists are very important for Sarny,” explains Stepan Aslanian, president of the foundation. “Population growth due to immigrants from the East, the “legacy” of the Chernobyl accident, environmental degradation due to the fighting in the country… We are grateful for the support of our regular German partners, Oksana Ulan from the Medical e.V. Foundation and the international foundation Nova Poshta. We are confident that this assistance will not be the last.”
Since 2022, the center has been located in vacant premises of local hospitals: since June, at the Sarny Central District Hospital, providing inpatient services, and since July, at the Rivne Oncology Center, providing outpatient care. They opened a surgical department with two operating rooms, purchased some equipment, attracting all possible help for this… And not only retained the staff, but also expanded its composition thanks to the efforts of the dispensary’s general director, Yevhen Khamchych.
The neat, snow-white, freshly renovated premises of the former infectious disease department and now the future oncology department are ready to receive new patients. All that remains is to bring in some equipment and furniture.
“People who are looking for a way out of difficult situations in the most difficult periods of their lives and do not lose their optimism,” comments Vilen Fatalov, Vice President of the Foundation, “should always be supported. And during the war – even more so. The new department still needs an ultrasound machine, oxygen concentrators, furniture for the wards, a car to transport patients around the area, coagulators, printers, computers… I believe that thanks to the support of our partners – Oksana Ulan from the Medical e.V. Foundation and the international foundation Nova Ukraine – we will be able to help with this as well.”
“I am proud of my fellow countrymen,” adds Yevhen Koshovoy, Ambassador of the “Help For Ukraine”, “for their strong spirit, faith in the best, in people, in their own and Ukraine’s future. We need to help not only the hospital staff, but also its patients. We want as many people as possible to have access to quality medical services and a chance to live.”
“We are very grateful to the Help For Ukraine charitable organization for such a significant support,” adds Mr. Khamchych, “for responding to our request so quickly. We look forward to continuing our cooperation.”