We visited the Nash Kramatorsk Hub, which has been taking care of more than 2,700 IDP families in Kyiv and the region since October last year, which is almost 7,500 people.

We brought them warm clothes and shoes, linen, blankets, rugs, pillows, and children’s toys.
“This is a unique state center of assistance not only for Kramatorsk residents, but also for IDPs from the east of the country in general,” comments Vilen Fatalov, Vice President of the “Help for Ukraine” Charitable Foundation. – “Its appearance is the result of cooperation between Kramatorsk City Administration and Darnytsia District State Administration of Kyiv. And for good reason – Darnytsia district is home to the largest number of IDPs registered in Kyiv. The number of IDPs from the east is increasing every week. Therefore, the hub needs help, especially on the eve of winter.”

On the ground floor, there is an outpatient clinic where Kramatorsk doctors receive patients. The Kramatorsk Primary Health Care Center was evacuated from the frontline area with all its equipment and doctors. The outpatient clinic serves not only Kramatorsk residents, but also more than 500 local residents.
There is a children’s room where they work with displaced children. Here, kids can sculpt, draw, make decoupage, do karate, and have fun with a children’s animator.
Here you can also get a variety of counseling, psychological and legal assistance, and humanitarian aid if necessary. And a talented teacher will not let your child get bored.
“We are happy to be able to support people who have survived the horrors of war through our Help for Ukraine Clothes project,” adds Vilen Fatalov. And we are grateful to our partners who continue to support Ukrainians during the war together with us.”
Thank you!
Everything will be – Ukraine!
From help to victory!