High-quality tourniquets save lives

Without a high-quality tourniquet, it is almost impossible to stop critical bleeding in the field. A soldier has a couple of minutes before he loses consciousness.

After all, any injury triggers a surge of adrenaline in the body to be able to survive. As soon as the adrenaline drops, a person begins to feel weak, dizzy, nauseous, lose consciousness, feel, and fine motor skills become difficult. A wounded person has 1 to 3 minutes to stop the bleeding and save his or her life. Needless to say, there is unlikely to be a paramedic by his side.

Today, every volunteer is searching for and purchasing high-quality tourniquets for soldiers and paramedics. Most often, this becomes possible thanks to assistance from abroad. And we are glad that we have partners who care about the highest value in today’s world – human life. The lives of our fighters.

On behalf of our cats – thank you! We would also like to thank our constant partners, Nova Poshta and the Nova Poshta Humanitarian initiative.