Не тільки допомагаючи, але й навчаючись та вдосконалюючись

Together with almost 180 representatives of public associations, charitable foundations and central executive authorities, President of our Foundation Stepan Aslanian, Director Pavlo Marchyshak and Valeria Salamakha took part in the first meeting of the working group on the import and accounting of humanitarian aid, initiated by the Ministry of Social Policy.

They discussed legislative changes to the import of humanitarian aid and the functioning of the Automated System.

The event was supported by ISAR Ednannia in cooperation with the Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research (UCIPR) and the Center for Democracy and Rule of Law (CEDEM) thanks to the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID Ukraine).

We are grateful that we had the opportunity to express our suggestions and ideas – we hope that they will be taken into account by the team of developers of the Ministry of Social Policy and used for further improvement of the system.