During the war, the most difficult thing is to preserve humanity

Without it, we will be no different from the aggressor. That is why every volunteer of our foundation makes a lot of efforts to support the army and the volunteer movement. And they find resources and opportunities, new partners to help those who need it most.

We also understand that even in the most difficult times for the country, we have no right to forget about humanity and caring attitude towards lonely elderly people who, having serious health problems, become helpless in the face of the challenges of war.
That is why we could not ignore the request for help from Varvara Petrova, who has Alzheimer’s disease and is also an internally displaced person.

We are grateful to our reliable partners – Oksana Ulan and the German foundation Medical e.V., Nova Poshta and its charity initiative Nova Poshta Humanitarian – for being able to help people quickly!